Holiday Party sponsored by Los Osos Early Risers
And here's a live registration link that works!
District 22 Area 93 Committee Events Calendar
This calendar contains AA related events for District 22 Area 93 Committee. All events are reviewed by our volunteers and are accurate to the best of our knowledge. If there are any corrections needed please contact us..
And here's a live registration link that works!
District 22/GSR Meeting AGENDA, Sunday, 12-08-2024, 10:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Hybrid Meeting: Zoom Meeting ID: 88279258044, Password: D22GSR or in person at The Alano Club, 3075 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Potluck 2-4pm Bring your favorite holiday foods to share! Marathon Meetings all day before and after!
Monthly General Service Meeting for District 22 2nd Sunday of every month Hybrid Zoom ID 88279258044 Passcode: D22GSR
District 13 is hosting our Bi-Annual GSR101 Service Workshop on Saturday Jan 25, 2025 (this coming Saturday) and would like to invite all who would like to attend. This workshop is geared towards the new GSR or District servants to help them have a better understanding of their commitment as well as get through the […]