Concepts Workshop 9 and 10
Concepts Workshop 9 and 10 Hosted by Area 93, District 13 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Zoom invite to follow
District 22 Area 93 Committee Events Calendar
This calendar contains AA related events for District 22 Area 93 Committee. All events are reviewed by our volunteers and are accurate to the best of our knowledge. If there are any corrections needed please contact us..
Concepts Workshop 9 and 10 Hosted by Area 93, District 13 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Zoom invite to follow
Monthly District 22 meeting Hybrid: In-person and Online To be attended by the GSRs or their alternates, the DCM, Alternate DCM, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, Standing Committee Chairs, and Liaisons. Visitors welcomed. Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 893 0392 6186 Passcode: 121212
Saturday Nov 19 Assembly - Hybrid: Zoom and in-person at Fillmore-Piru Veterans Memorial Building, 511 2nd St., Fillmore, CA 93015 Sunday Nov 20: In-person only - Elections Attended by GSRs or their alternates, DCM, Alternate DCMs, Standing Committee Chairs, All are welcomed.
Concepts Workshop 11 and 12 Hosted by Area 93, District 13 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Zoom invite to follow
Monthly District 22 meeting Hybrid: In-person and Online To be attended by the GSRs or their alternates, the DCM, Alternate DCM, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, Standing Committee Chairs, and Liaisons. Visitors welcomed. Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 893 0392 6186 Passcode: 121212
Monthly District 22 / GSR meeting 2nd Sunday of every month In person or on Zoom To be attended by the GSRs or their alternates, the DCM, Alternate DCM, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, Standing Committee Chairs, and Liaisons. Visitors welcomed.
The Area Committee conducts the business of the Area. Area Committee voting members are DCMs, DCMCs, Area Standing and Ad-hoc Committee Chairs (or, in their absence, their alternates), Area Officers and Past Delegates.