Greetings from District 22
God Shots
I love a coincidence that “starts with a capital G”.
Here’s a good one:
Most of you know by now that District 22 is hosting a
Writing Workshop for stories to be considered for the
Fifth Edition Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book. The
workshop will be a hybrid event (in person at the SLO
Alano Club and on Zoom), on Saturday, September 24
from 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Here’s the God Shot:
Ralph E., from Washington DC will be one of the facilitators of the writing workshop. He will be Zooming in from DC.
In his words:
“I was looking for a meeting this evening and decided to check out a zoom step and tradition meeting based in Florida. It was tradition night and the speaker, Marita R, was giving the talk on the 8th tradition. Wonderful message. And Marita just happens to be a GSO Trustee. Wow. . . amazing, but then something very cool happened. I mentioned our workshop and guess what? Marita is on the GSO literature committee! She was tickled because she said she was going to announce the submission date for the personal stories, and I had “stole her thunder” ; – ) The chair asked me to post the workshop in the chat because she has some folks interested in this type of forum as they write their own personal stories.”
So maybe we will get some AA attendees from Florida! The other day I shared, by Zoom, at a meeting in England. I announced the workshop, and three Brits have already signed up. So we are going international!
As of this writing we have around 25 people who have signed up for the workshop. Eight in-person, and the rest on Zoom. The deadline for story submissions is Oct. 31, 2022. – So start writing YOUR story now. And bring a draft to share at the workshop. The workshop is free (but if you want to contribute a 7th tradition, it will be welcomed). To get more information about the workshop and story requirements (and the workshop Zoom number), please register at:
Other District news:
The District has a new Grapevine / La Vina Chair: Christine S. She put up a beautiful display at the SLO Convention. There was a drawing, and two lucky winners won subscriptions for the Grapevine and La Vina. Christine is looking for Grapevine Reps – If you are interested in serving your group in that way , contact me and I will put you in touch with Christine.
The District also has a new SLOPYPAA Liaison, who is Brian H. SLOPYPAA is an acronym for San Luis Obispo Precinct of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a committee of young at heart people who help serve young people in AA with sober events, including A.A. meetings, workshops, etc. SLOPYPAA serves all SLO county (District 22). SLOPPYPAA has bi-monthly Committee Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 PM. They meet at 265 South Street, San Luis Obispo. Welcome aboard Brian!
As always, if you have any questions, please call, or email me. I am at your service!
Bonnie N, DCM District 22, (805) 550-8081
The District 22 GSR Meeting is the 2nd Sunday of the month
Hybrid meeting 10:15 – 11:30 AM
In person at the Alano Club 3075 Broad St., SLO
Or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 893 0392 6186 Password: 121212