Greetings from District 22
As the Autumn leaves change, it is time for us to do the same. November is a time for rotation. What are your plans for 2023? With the District’s upcoming elections on November 13th, there are several service opportunities:
• DCM (District Committee Member)
• ADCM (Alternate DCM)
• Treasurer
• Registrar
• Secretary
• Archives Chair
• CPC / PI Chair
• Grapevine Chair
• Technology Chair
Or maybe you would like to become a GSR (General Service Representative). A.A.’s co-founder Bill W. said “The GSR may be the most important job in AA. By choosing its most qualified man or woman as GSR, a group helps secure its own future – and the future of A.A..”
The job descriptions for all these positions, including GSR are posted on our website at
Speaking of our website, have you checked it out recently? The District launched it this last year. I want to personally thank everyone who was involved with it, especially our Technology Chair Judy G., our Treasurer Sheryl G., our Secretary Debbie P., Jeff L. with CPC/PI, Leonard with Archives and last but not least our Webmaster Gary E. from I think it is one of the best service websites I have seen and used.
In 2022, the District has had some other events and accomplishments:
- In March we held an Agenda Item Workshop on Zoom. We had some excellent speakers from our District speak on some of the Agenda Topics that were later taken action on at the General Service Conference.
- Also in March several of us attended PRAASA (Pacific Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly) via Zoom.
- Our new Grapevine Chair, Christine S. put up an impressive display at the August Convention, where she had a drawing for some Grapevine and La Vina subscriptions.
- A writing workshop for personal stories for the 5th Edition Big Book, my personal favorite! The first workshop was held in person and on Zoom. PK of San Luis Obispo and Ralph P. of Washington DC facilitated it. Setting up the hybrid meeting was Judy G. We were only going to meet once, but we continued to keep writing and meeting four more times on Zoom.
- We are submitting our stories to GSO by the Oct 31 deadline. Our plans are to publish an online booklet by years end of all the stories submitted by our group. Stay tuned . . .
- Looking forward to November 5, District 22 along with the Central Office Intergroup, will host a Traditions Luncheon. We will have speakers in the morning (probably someone you know!) and our Area Delegate Karla will give report back from the General Service Conference that she attended earlier this year. Thank you to our committee, Jon K., Sandi P., Judy G. and Christine S. You can register for the event and a FREE lunch at
I am coming to the end of my DCM position serving District 22 for the last two years. Since this is my last DCM Corner/Column, I want to take this opportunity to thank the members of the District 22 Committee. It has been an honor and my pleasure to serve with all of you:
- Sheryl G. – Treasurer
- Debbie P. – Secretary
- Leonard L. – Archives Chair
- Jeff L. – CPC / PI Chair
- Christine S. – Grapevine Chair
- Judy G. – Technology Chair
- Jon K. – Intergroup Liaison
- Gerald B. – Convention Liaison
- Maureen & Rusty – H & I Liaisons
- Jazmine Y. – District 6 Liaison
- ALL the GSRs
Area Delegate Karla Y - And the other Area Officers – Rudy, Norm, Aimee, Danielle, Tara & Past Delegate Debbie J., who have taken the time to visit us.
I want to leave you with this:
“Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
As always, if you have any questions, please call, or email me. I am at your service!
Bonnie N, DCM District 22
[email protected], (805) 550-8081
The District 22 GSR Meeting
2nd Sunday of the month
Next meeting: November 13, 2022
Hybrid meeting 10:15 – 11:30 AM
In person at the Alano Club 3075 Broad St., SLO
Or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 893 0392 6186 Password: 121212