DCM Corner May-June 2022

Greetings from District 22!

Photo of sunset at Shell Beach, CA
Shell Beach "Sun Skipping Over the Water Like a Stone" by Bonnie N

Call for Stories!!

A.A.W.S. is calling for your sobriety stories – for the Fifth edition of the book “Alcoholics Anonymous” (Big Book), the Fourth edition of the Spanish language Big Book “Alcoholicos Anonimos”, and the pamphlet “A.A. for the Black and African-American Alcoholic”. For details on how to submit, guidelines, and deadlines – please contact our DCM. I also hope that our District may sponsor a writing workshop. More will be revealed . . .

Shortly after this is published, our District 22 will be unveiling our new Website. We gave the GSR’s a preview of it at our last meeting. The web address will be d22aa.org ,Please check it out after May 8th when we plan to unveil it. Much thanks to Judy G. our new Technology Chair and her team for developing the website. Not only do we have a new Technology Chair, but we also have a new Registrar – Welcome Barbara E. from Morro Bay.

We are still in need of an Alternate DCM, Grapevine Chair, and SLOYPAA Liaison. (SLOYPAA stands for San Luis Obispo Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous). Two years of continuous sobriety is recommended for all positions. Please contact me if you would like more information.

By the time you read this, our Area 93 Delegate, Karla Y. will have attended the 72nd General Service Conference. The Conference will be held on April 24-30, when the Delegates and Trustees from U.S. and Canada meet in Brooklyn, New York to discuss and make policies/decisions for the A.A. Groups. Karla has listened to the GSR’s from our District 22 (San Luis Obispo County) and the other Districts in Area 93. She will take the group consciences to the Conference. In the next few months, Karla will give a report back of what happened at the Conference. Our District 22 will also invite her to speak at our annual Service Luncheon. We do not have a date scheduled but will soon.

As always, if you have any questions, please email me. I am at your service!

Yours in Service,
Bonnie N, DCM District 22
[email protected]