Greetings from District 22!

- Some of us attended the Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly (PRAASA), which was held virtually for the first time in A.A.?s history. Some of us also virtually attended the Area?s Pre-conference Workshop and Assemblies.
- We had a virtual visit from the Area?s Alternate Delegate, Rudy M. and Area Secretary, Aimee T. We voted to send $2,500 to the General Service Office.
- We voted to subscribe to QuickBooks on-line for our Treasurer to use in accounting and in making financial reports.
- Things start to look up in September. We went ?Hybrid?! Attendance rose to twenty-three members, which included 11 GSR?s. Some of us met by Zoom, and others returned to our old meeting place at the Alano Club in San Luis Obispo. A big thank you to Judy G., who did the research and gathered the equipment to make our meeting hybrid.
- Jeff L. gave an excellent report on his attendance in November at the California Association of Public Information Officers (CAPIO).
- Our Treasurer Hector had announced he would be rotating out by the end of this year. We appreciate Hector?s service. Fortunate for us, Sheryl G, who recently moved here from Southern CA was looking for a service opportunity. We voted her in, and she will start January 2022.
- We were also in need of a liaison for the Hospital and Institution committee. Not only did we get one, but we got two! Welcome Maureen and Rusty, from Cambria, who will share the position.
- We are still in need of an Alternate District Committee Member (ADCM).
- Judy G reported on creating a website for our District. We will continue to discuss in January.
- Wishing you all a safe and healthy New Year. I know it will be a good one.