DCM Corner Mar/Apr

Greetings from District 22!

March & April 2022
Upside down pyramid illustrating the A.A. Service Structure
This is the busiest time of year in General Service. The 72nd General Service Conference will be held on April 24-30. That is where the Delegates and Trustees from U.S. and Canada meet in Brooklyn, New York to discuss and make policies/decisions for the A.A. Groups.
Topics will include:
Discuss request to make A.A. literature changes slowly and with A.A.’s primary purpose in mind
Consider request to add a historical disclaimer to the front of the book Twelve Steps and Twelve Tradition
Discuss the wide-ranging impact the Preamble change has had on our A.A. Fellowship
Review progress report regarding the translation of the book Alcoholics Anonymous (Fourth Edition) into plain and simple language.
Review progress report regarding development of a Fifth Edition of the Book Alcoholics Anonymous.
These are just a few of what will be discussed at the Conference. For a complete list of Agenda Items go to https://area93.org/ – Please contact your Groups General Service Representative (GSR) if you have any questions. Your GSR will be attending several meetings between now and April 24th to prepare our Delegate for Conference. It is the responsibility of your groups GSR to relay your group conscience to the Delegate.
District 22 has planned an Agenda Item Workshop to be held on Saturday March 26, on Zoom between 1 – 3 pm. Our Area 93 Delegate, Karla, will be attending. Everyone is welcomed. If you are interested in attending, please contact me at my email below and I will send you the Zoom link and flier. (Both will be available next week).
I would be remised if I did not encourage you to attend PRAASA (Pacific Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly) to be held on Zoom March 4-6. Go to www.praasa.org to register. Meet other members of A.A. from Alaska, Arizona, , Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and all of California. Also in attendance will be serval of the Trustees & staff from the New York General Service Conference.
I told you it was a busy time of year . . .
As always, if you have any questions, please call, or email me. I am at your service!
Yours in Service,
Bonnie N, DCM District 22
[email protected], (805) 550-8081
Join us on the 2nd Sunday of the month