
The A.A. Grapevine is the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous, sometimes referred to as our “Meeting in Print”.  It is written, edited and illustrated by A.A. members communicating their experience, strength and hope and their broad range of experience with recovery, unity and service.  Click here >>> to read the latest issue or find out more. 

The A.A. Grapevine is now producing a weekly podcast called the Half Hour Variety Hour, check it out!

La Vina

La Viña es la Revista Internacional de Alcohólicos Anónimos en espanol, a veces conocida como nuestra “Reunión impresa”.  Está escrito, editado e elustrado por los miembros de A.A. que comunican su experiencia, fortaleza y esperanza y su amplia gama de experiencia con la recuperación, la unidad y el servicio. Haga >>> clic aquí para leer el último número o obtener más información.


The Grapevine and La Viña are supported entirely through magazine subscription sales and income derived from the sale of other Grapevine items.  If you would like to have them sent to you on a regular basis, you can do that here:

Send us your most striking photographs that reflect the joy of living, serenity, and other sobriety themes.

    • Photos must be anonymity protected (no full-face poses or identifiable images of people).
    • Selected photos will be posted on the AA Grapevine Instagram page!
    • You may enter as many photos as you wish. Contest is ongoing.
    • Please include your name and last initial, and location.
    • Send photos to [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing your images!

Share Your Story

The Grapevine is written by alcoholics in recovery for alcoholics in recovery.  If you would like to share your story or a piece of artwork:

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