Hospitals and Institutions

The primary purpose of the Hospitals & Institutions Committee is to carry the message of recovery to alcoholics who are confined in institutions and therefore, cannot attend regular meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous.  These institutions include correctional facilities, hospitals and programs engaging in the treatment and/or rehabilitation of alcoholics.  We carry the message by visiting these institutions and sharing our experience, strength and hope in recovery.

H&I is active and taking meetings every week into the men’s jail, women’s jail, juvenile hall, CMC,and starting back up at Atascadero State Hospital.

Contact Jon K. at (805) 471-7173 for more information

Bridging the Gap/Corrections Correspondence

We also carry the message by sharing our hope in recovery in correspondence with alcoholics who are confined to correctional facilities or volunteering to be a resource for them when they go home.  Volunteers are always needed for these programs. Monthly Meetings “Bridging the Gap” 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ 6:30pm at the Alano Club(sort of Hybrid).  Click here for more info

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