GSR Information

“In 1950, a new type of trusted servant, ‘group representative,’ was suggested to help in the selection of delegates to the newly formed General Service Conference.  By 1953, the job of group representative was also seen as a good means of exchanging p-to-date information between individual groups and ‘Headquarters’ (now the General Service Office).  That’s till an important side of your work.  But now, as general service representative, you have an even bigger responsibility: You transmit ideas and opinions, as well as facts; through you, the group conscience becomes a part of “the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship,’ as expressed in the General Service Conference.  Like everything else in A.A., it works through  a series of simple steps.        (For the complete picture in detail, read The A.A. Service Manual.)   (source: G.S.O. General Service Representative Pamphlet)

Q: How do I get listed as a new G.S.R?
A: We prefer you to notify your District Registrar at your local GSR monthly meeting or contac Jeff L at 805-235-5931

Q: Will I receive material to get started?
A: Once you’re listed with G.S.O. as a new G.S.R., we’ll automatically send you a Kit. You can see the contents of the G.S.R. Kit by clicking on the green link below while waiting for your hardcopy via USPS. These can sometimes take some time to get out.

G.S.R. Preamble 

“We are the General Service Representatives. We are the link in the chain of communication for our groups with the General Service Conference and the world of A.A. We realize the ultimate authority is a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. As trusted servants, our job is to bring information to our groups in order that they can reach an informed group conscience. In passing along this group conscience, we are helping to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship. Let us, therefore, have the patience and tolerance to listen while others share, the courage to speak up when we have something to share, and the wisdom to do what is right for our group and A.A. as a whole.”

History of the G.S.R. Preamble 

The Central Intergroup Office of the Desert, Palm Springs, California printed the G.S.R. Preamble in its May 1988 issue of their newsletter. The GSO staff picked up on it and ran a short article which included the preamble in the August/September 1989 issue of Box 459. This preamble is being used in many of the Areas throughout the United States and Canada today.
(source: Goldene L. interview, March 2, 2004 & Box 459 )